Pruning the top of a coniferous tree for future growth and beauty!

The perfect tree does not just happen to grow that way – they will need help and I am willing to share the secret!

For example, a Christmas tree should have the ends of the branches cut or tipped during mid-July to mid-August and the sides should be approximately a 70 degree taper which will force the growth back into the rest of the whorl and help thicken the tree for future use.

But the trick is in the top - Picture 1

Tree pic 1.JPG

First remove any leaders that may extend from the lower tree by clipping them as close to the tree as possible.

Picture 2 Remove any branch that is growing up over a 45-degree angle as it will try to become a leader the next year and result in multiple tops.

Tree pic 2.JPG
Tree pic 3.JPG

Picture 3 Save the best leader and clip it just above a predominant bud and for normal growth that may be around eight inches in height. To slow the upward growth simply keep the leader short and trim the tree to this angle.