Buying Vermont Land, Today

If you are researching land or estate parcels in Vermont, we're here to help. Dave Jamieson of Vermont Land Broker provides clients with a deep understanding of Vermont history, local neighborhoods, surveying, construction and tree farming.

Land purchases involve more than just looking for a view and we can help you make the right decision with our services:

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Elusive May Bush, February Daphne

After months of cold weather, my dog Kane and I were finally able to spend a few hours walking in the woods around our farm, soaking up the spring aromas and looking for deer antler drops, erosion on our roads and winter blow-downs. Around this time, nearly 20 springs ago, while walking through the same large patches of snow and mud, I could not believe my eyes when I spotted a lilac-type plant in full bloom with beautiful pink-red flowers, tidy

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