One of the hottest items in commercial land sales in Vermont is maple sugar orchards. Whether the operation is big or small, there is tremendous interest in the production of maple syrup because the pricing is excellent due to a shortage of sweeteners made from corn and other products.
I recently attended a Maple Conference held in Hyde Park, Vermont which was sponsored by UVM Extension Service and the Vermont Maple Sugar Makers Association which was heavily attended by producers from the north and central part of Vermont. There were multiple presentations by experts in various fields, equipment manufacturers and other industry related businesses.
Of course the days of hanging buckets and gathering sap with horses are long gone and replaced by vacuum systems, reverse osmosis machines and highly-efficient evaporators . One large operation told me they recently turned 15,000 gallons of raw sap to syrup in about 4 ½ hours. Maple syrup production has certainly changed and the folks at The Vermont Maple Sugar Maker's Association can help you get started.
If you're on the market for a maple sugar orchard in Vermont, please contact me and I'll help you get the property that's right for you.