Why Use a Vermont Forester

Vermont Timber land

Vermont Timber land

The short answer is "because foresters help protect your investment."

Depending on tree species and growth conditions, it could take 100 years for a tree to reach maturity. If you're buying or selling a wood lot, you need to think of your forest in 30 or even 50 year increments, and once you start thinking that way, it becomes evident that you may need the services of a good forester. How can you find a competent logger? What trees should you re-plant? How can you get a fair price for the existing timber? What is a fair price for the lot, and what is the revenue potential? Those are all questions your forester can help you answer.

We recommend Vermont Woodland Certified Consulting Forester; or see a list of Vermont County Foresters from the Vermont Division of Forestry.

For more information and to see if we can help you find the right forester for your needs, please contact us.